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5 Ways to contact help in unsafe public situations

With the latest easing of restrictions and opening up of the country, we’re slowly returning to normal life. Unfortunately, with the excitement of going out again, comes the fear and danger that so many women feel in public.

Obviously, in an ideal world, everyone would feel safe everywhere and we wouldn’t need extra ways to keep ourselves safe but as we’re not quite there yet, there are plenty of things that are useful to know. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but hopefully, these five tips are a helpful start as to things you can do or say to keep yourself or your loved ones safe.

The Angel Shot:

The Angel Shot is something that has been around for a little while and is spreading across the internet, with the help of people sharing this information on platforms like TikTok or Twitter. Here’s what you need to know.

Ordering an Angel Shot neat: you’d like someone to walk you to your car.

Ordering an Angel Shot on the rocks: you’d like someone to call you a taxi.

Ordering an Angel Shot with lime: alerts staff that you’d like them to call the police.

As much as this is growing, this may not have reached your local bar yet, so it’s worth noting the other safety tips on this list too.

Angel Shot poster: graphic_design

Ask for Angela:

Similar to the Angel Shot, but in a hospitality venue, you can ‘ask for Angela’ to a member of staff which alerts them that you feel unsafe. It was launched in 2016 and has been introduced in venues in London but again not necessarily everywhere. It’s quite common for venues to have posters placed in toilets so it would be best to check there first.

iPhone Alerts:

Anyone with an iPhone, listen up! On an iPhone, you can make a call with SOS which automatically calls the local emergency number. Pressing and holding the side button as well as a volume button will make an emergency SOS slider appear which you can slide to call emergency services. If you don’t slide that though, an alarm sounds – an extremely loud alarm. Definitely helpful tools to know, and the Apple Support page explains all of their emergency features in more depth so be sure to look into that.

Signal for Help:

Originating from the pandemic and an unfortunate rise in domestic violence whilst confined to our homes, a simple hand signal can be used to alert people via a video call (or also in public) that you’re in danger and need help. To use the signal, you raise your palm, tuck your thumb in, and close your fingers around it.

Signal for Help - Women's Funding Network

SOS Jewellery:

InvisaWear is a jewellery brand that creates discreet SOS devices, and panic buttons disguised as necklaces and charms. Their brand evolved from personal experience of dangerous situations on a night out and how sometimes in a panic there just isn’t enough time to grab your phone. They have a huge range of necklaces, charms, scrunchies, bracelets, and even a fitness range. Necklaces and bracelets start at around £95 and most items cost more than that, so these products can be expensive but they’re currently having a sale with discounted prices. As well as this, there are features where you can share your location, message up to five emergency contacts, and share personal information like a photo of you with emergency services.

invisawear Smart Jewelry - Personal Safety Device - Silver Expandable  Bracelet : Jewellery

There are many more code words and signals out there so feel free to share any you know about in the comments- let us know! Hopefully these tips are ones you can take with you, share with friends and family, and potentially save a life.

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