How to improve your health and wellbeing in 2022

improve health and wellbeing

As we are hit with a new year, a lot of us are overwhelmed with trying to keep up with all of those resolutions, especially ones to do with improving your health and wellbeing. For some, it’s the eagerness to join a gym and for others, it’s the desire to climb the careers ladder. 

Whilst these things may seem out of reach for some of us, this simple guide ensures that no matter how many goals you strive to achieve this year, big or small, these everyday tasks will support your mental well-being on your journey to a successful year.

The term has proven itself to be quite popular online, as many have adopted it to be a form of confidence-boosting. What is a hot girl mindset? This is the mentality of someone who couldn’t care less about negative opinions, who takes pride in themselves and loves what they do and is, in their own way, the life of the party.

And if there’s one thing about us hot girls, it’s that we’re all about levelling up!

Hot Girl Wellbeing Walks

Taking a daily 30-min walk has proven to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Studies have found that walking can support your sleeping schedule, relieve stress and improve your cardiovascular health, to name a few. It’s a game-changer if you want to improve your health and wellbeing.

I know what you’re thinking. Walks aren’t exactly exciting, but they also don’t have to be boring! Walking with a friend, significant other or even a work colleague can make such a simple task much more fun.

Feeling too alone to walk? Channel into your hot girl mindset by listening to self-care podcasts as you relax. Likewise, listening to music can drastically elevate your mood.

Tune into The New Feminist’s feel-good anthems: 

Top 5 Podcast Recommendations:

Self-Care Apps to improve your health and wellbeing

Here’s a quote I came across online: “Often the difference between organised and dis-organised is the little habits we do each day without really thinking” (Chrissy Halton).

Often times organisation supports a calm state of mind. Here are some apps suggestions that will make a big difference in creating small habits that in turn, manifest into accomplishments.

Books that are good for the soul

Reading at least 10 pages of a book daily has proven to strengthen the brain, support your cognitive ability as you age and even allows you to empathise better with other people. Whether you’re commuting to school or work, or maybe you’re needing something to fill up your evenings, here are some book recommendations to occupy your time.

Healthy Meditation

Honestly, trying to keep up with so many things at once is hectic for absolutely anyone. Meditating gives us time to breathe and control all of our anxious thoughts all at once. Try implementing 5-10 minutes of meditation each day to heal your mind and take on any day with ease.

Journaling is free therapy

Journaling has become increasingly popular as a tool for self-care. It can be used to track habits and gratitudes, record personal growth, fitness goals, and create to-do lists. The possibilities are endless. But one thing’s for sure, you will feel much more motivated and committed to achieving your goals. Grab yourself a snazzy pen and notebook and get writing!

Facial Massages are underated

The benefits of skincare not only boost your appearance by reducing wrinkles and blemishes, but it also increases the serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. However, having a spa day is a luxury that not all can afford. Instead, try massaging your face with some facial oils at home and feel the pleasure of your skin muscles relaxing. If you’re feeling fancy, treat yourself to a Gua Sha facial tool. Traditional Chinese Medicine swears by it!

Digital Detox

If you have the time, why not cleanse your phone of all the junk that is no longer needed? Delete those pics that no longer serve a purpose, get rid of the apps that are taking up storage, sort out your inbox and unsubscribe from spam accounts.

Alternatively, challenge yourself to go a few hours without needing your phone. If you’re up for a real compromise, try to go a full day. Reports have found that by using your phone as soon as you wake up, you limit your brain’s ability to visualise its goals and thus attain them.

Instead, tune into your daily morning affirmations that will enhance your morning mood and establish a good foundation for you to start your day.

You Got This!

An important thing to remember is that each task completed is a step forward in achieving your goals, and this year, we are celebrating our efforts in becoming the best versions of ourselves and trying to not be so harsh on ourselves on those days we don’t feel quite so engaged (which is okay!). To improve your health and wellbeing you have to first be kind to yourself.

Hopefully, this short guide has helped broaden your options of feeling driven to fulfil your resolutions and beating the new year blues. 

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