Women granted 150 metre buffer zones from pro life weirdos

buffer zone
From 31st October 2025, it will become illegal to obstruct anyone using or working at abortion clinics or hand out anti-abortion propaganda within a 150-metre buffer zone.

The protection zones will also prevent protesting, and those who ignore the law will face an unlimited fine.

For many women, the move could have come a lot sooner. For years, women accessing abortion clinics have felt unsafe or scared whilst doing so.

Ealing Council established the country’s first buffer zone around a prominent Marie Stopes clinic in 2018 by using a Public Space Protection Order. Whilst this initially faced legal challenges, it was kept in place.

Whilst the law has been approved, guidance is still to follow for Police in the coming weeks, which will provide more comprehensive details about what is and is not allowed within the protective zones.

This follows campaigners raising concerns that the zones will still allow “silent prayer” outside clinics, however, it is expected that this will also fall within the scope of the law and be prohibited.

We will keep you updated as further guidance is published, but for now, this is a literal, physical step away from pro-lifers and therefore a step in the right direction.

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