
Brooke Alexx: The woman behind self-confident bops

‘Girls just want to have fun after we get our shit done’ said Brooke Alexx in her 2018 song, ‘Shattering Glass’. Residing in Nashville, Brooke Alexx is an emerging American pop singer. Brooke’s unapologetic attitude encourages listeners to embrace and love themselves. Confidence and ambition exude through her songwriting and social media.

    From singing the National Anthem at her town carnival in 2008 to singing the National Anthem for an NBA game in 2021, Brooke is making her mark on the music industry. With over 100K followers on Tik Tok and about 100K monthly listeners on Spotify, Brooke Alexx is rising in popularity and it is far from shocking. 

    Her personality and her music are individualistic, authentic and yet very relatable. Brooke is the kind of woman who you can find in the middle of the dance floor at any party and her music will make you want to do the same for yourself. Her powerful and positive energy radiates through her music. Whether it is blasting ‘Intimidate You’ in the car or watching her fun content on Tik Tok it is almost impossible to not be a Brooke Alexx fan.

    ‘There are a lot of people pushing for women to succeed so I think that a lot of doors are opening up in the current climate which is great.’ Brooke tells me as we discuss the modern music industry, ‘In pop music all the top-selling artists are women at this point which is really cool to see that people love music by women and it’s obvious by the charts. There is definitely a lot of work to do but I think people are seeing how creative and strong women are.’

    Brooke would love to see more women behind the scenes in the music industry and hold positions in upper-level management within music organisations. COVID-19 has changed the music industry landscape and Brooke shared that the emerging popularity of Tik Tok during the pandemic has been a major help in showcasing her music. She really sees her views on Tik Tok translate to streams on Spotify. Tik Tok allows for independent artists like herself ‘to spread the word about their music really fast and really effectively.’ The lockdowns have also shown how technology can facilitate music production. During these unprecedented times, Brooke has been able to record music from her home and write songs with other creators via Zoom. Likewise, she believes this impact will change the landscape of the music industry. 

    Brooke Alexx credits her parents for the woman she is today. ‘My parents raised me to be a really strong and confident woman.’ She continues to keep this persona by surrounding herself with a group of strong women. Brooke expresses how her girlfriends from home, her college roommate, and her current roommate Rosemary Joaquin are people who really drive her and uplift her. As Rosemary is also a pop artist, Brooke emphasizes the importance of their friendship and the creativity they can pull from each other. 

    Brooke shares another secret behind her undeniable confidence, ‘I never say anything insecure about myself. I just don’t voice things like that. If you’re talking about yourself like “oh I feel so great today, I love this outfit on me” everyone else around you is going to want to hype you up. I feel when I put out that confident energy people return that to me, and it makes me more confident. It’s just this endless cycle.’ 

    ‘Grace’, Brooke’s latest release is a love song to her mother. While playing a card game called, We’re Not Really Strangers, she came across a card that read ‘What is your mother’s name and what’s the most beautiful thing about her?’ Immediately after reading this, she started crying, realizing how much she embodied her mother. Thus the inspiration behind her new hit, idolizing her mom for being crazy beautiful and ‘too much’ which Brooke inherited.

    When Brooke was young, she and Grace fought a lot and even though she always wanted to have a close relationship with her mom there was often tension. Therefore, many people were able to relate to the song, whether they had close or difficult relationships with their mothers. Brooke holds this celebration of her mom close to her heart as it is so personal and relatable. Part of the chorus reads, ‘I don’t wanna hide it these days turns out I’m a little like Grace.’ Don’t walk but run to listen to this hit and then tell your mom you love her.

      After releasing ‘Grace’, Brooke celebrated the highlight of her career (so far) and announced her collaboration with Fempower Beauty. After releasing two lipsticks named after Brooke and Grace, Brooke expresses, ‘It’s the biggest opportunity that I’ve had as an artist so far, literally, I’m the face of their website right now which is really cool. They’re a brand that I aligned with a lot personally as well so that makes it even more special.’ The packaging is inspired by her identity, her Asian heritage therefore part of the proceeds goes to Hate Is A Virus. 

      Brooke emphasizes how amazing it was to be able to collaborate with a company that gives back and aligns with her values so much. As a feminist beauty brand, Fempower Beauty was created by a lesbian couple aiming to uplift all womxn and create change through their lipsticks. 

      Visit Fempower Beauty to get your Brooke or Grace lipstick and help stop Asian hate. While you are there, check out other beauty products because with every purchase they aim to give back to people in need. Their beauty products amplify womxn’s voices and they have already donated 554 lipsticks to womxn. Their goals include boosting intersectionality as well as advocating for the underserved. Support this powerful brand along with this powerful artist.  

      Go blast all of Brooke Alexx’s music as your anthem and embrace the strong empowered womxn you are. Check out Brooke Alexx on InstagramTik Tok, and Spotify to hear her new single that is aimed to release in June. Now let me go put ‘Intimidate You’ (my personal favourite) on loop and embody the confident queen that is Brooke Alexx.

      Culture Editor

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